
Posts Tagged ‘Valentine day’

Valentine’s day in Japan

Valentine’s day is quite celebrate here in Japan.. tons of chocolate goes on sale 1month before it. price ranging from 100~5000+yen. And in Japan, Valentine’s day is an occasion when Japanese women can make their feelings known by giving expensive chocolates.

There are another kind of chocolates. It is called giri-choco. Women give them to male acquaintances so they don’t feel left out. Such chocolates are given out of friendship or a sense of duty and they are usually cheap. Women who work in offices usually give giri-choco to male colleagues.

My department recieve a box of choco from a lady from another department.. so everyday got to have 1 piece each on Valentine’s day… 😛

Some choco that are sold in the supermarket in my area.

Nice packaging

some cheaper chocos

The male version of Valentine day in Japan is known as white day. It is celebrate 1 month after Valentine’s day, on 14th March.

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